We know that we need to save more. The standard piece of advice from financial professionals is that in order to put ourselves in a strong financial position, we should be saving at least 15% of our income. Sound like a lot? You’re not alone. According to recent estimates, only about one in seven Americans… Read More
Roth IRAs and Roth 401k Plans (as reported by John Wasik on www.forbes.com)
Roth IRAs and Roth 401k plans are similar to traditional IRAs or 401k plans with one major exception. Whereas the money invested in a traditional IRA or 401k is taxed when you withdraw it in retirement, the money invested in a Roth IRA or 401k is not. Instead, the money is taxed up front. There… Read More
Increase Your Savings Rate (as reported by Anora Mahmudova on www.marketwatch.com)
Investors spend a lot of time worrying about the performance of their investments. Of course we should be worried if we are investing our money intelligently, but often we spend too much time thinking about how to invest our money instead of focusing on how much money we are investing. It is far more valuable… Read More
Make Your Money Last in Retirement (as reported by Lori Kelly on www.pfadvice.com)
The day you retire is one of life’s ultimate milestones. If you’ve been smart (and a little lucky) you’ve been able to save some money to fund a comfortable retirement. But before we get lost in too much celebrating, it is time to plan out how you are going to make that money last the… Read More
How Far Will Your Social Security Check Go? (as reported by Sean Williams on www.usatoday.com)
If you had to guess now how much your current income will be replaced by Social Security in retirement, you would likely guess too high. Most people would. The truth is, Social Security is only meant to cover about 40% of an average worker’s wages during retirement. The fact that most people expect it to… Read More
Convincing someone that they need to invest their money is hard enough without all the choices that come next. Stocks, bonds, real estate, funds – it can seem like there is an endless amount of options for investing. So how are we supposed to know where to start? First, it is key to establish how… Read More
How to Invest (as reported by Kevin Mercadante on cashmoneylife.com)
The decision of whether or not to invest your money should be an easy one – you absolutely should do it. But deciding where and how to invest is trickier. For first time investors looking to get started with stocks and bonds, whether to invest in individual companies yourself or put your money into a… Read More
Investing Tips for Your 20s (as reported on www.onmakingmoney.com)
Investing in the stock market is something that every American, given the opportunity to do so, should do. It is one of the surest ways to grow wealth that we have. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is easy. The sooner you start investing, the better, because your money will grow over time. For… Read More
Do you want to be a millionaire? Of course you do. And while for most people that seems like a fantasy, the reality is that if you start planning early enough, saving one million dollars is not impossible. $1,000,000 is a big number, but if you break it up into smaller chunks, it gets more… Read More
We all have questions about retirement – ranging from how to save for it to when is it time? To help answer some of those questions, Vanguard recently shared the 7 big financial milestones in retirement. These are the ages when most of us will be able to take key steps toward a more secure… Read More