Many people are hesitant to invest in stocks because they don’t know much about how they work. It’s important to learn as much as you can so that you can make smart investing decisions. For example, dividends are an important part of investing in stocks. When companies earn a profit, they have to decide what… Read More
Investing Lessons from Warren Buffett (as reported by Tom Sightings on
Warren Buffet is quite arguably the most successful investor of all time. And he has made most of his wealth based on very basic investment and financial principles, not difficult or complex financial schemes. So if you want to know how to make your money work for you, and build wealth as you prepare for… Read More
Retirement Costs (as reported by Donna Rosato and Penelope Wang on
Saving enough for retirement is at or near the top of everyone’s financial goals. The problem is, it is never easy to figure out exactly how much you are going to need when the time comes. Most online calculators estimate that you’ll need about 70-80% of your pre-retirement income to have the kind of life… Read More
Stock Market Myths (as reported by Investopedia on
The stock market is a scary place for a lot of people, especially when you don’t take the time to understand how it works. Many people are afraid to invest because they don’t trust the market. But investing in the stock market can be an important part of building wealth, so it is crucial to… Read More
Online Stock Trading Platforms (as reported by Mike Jelinek on
Investing in the stock market on your own is not for everyone, but for those people out there that take the time to learn how to invest intelligently, there is a decision to make outside of what to invest in: where to do the investing. Mike Jelinek, writing on The Simple Dollar, reviews and compares… Read More
Leave Your 401k Alone (as reported by Andrea Coombes on
One of the worst financial mistakes that someone saving for retirement can make is reaching for the cash in their retirement accounts too soon. A study by Fidelty found that 35% of people who left their jobs last year took some or all of the money in their 401k or IRA accounts in order to… Read More
Hedge Funds in your 401(k)? What to know first. (as reported by Ben Steverman via
Because of U.S. regulatory rules, most hedge funds are limited to investors with $1 million or more in investable assets. The reasoning behind this is simple, these funds are considered a risky class of investment that could expose the typical retail investor to a potentially devastating financial loss. All this said, there is without a… Read More
Better Emergency Funds (as reported by Mandi Woodruff on
Saving money in case of emergencies is a good idea, there is no arguing with that. People lose their jobs, houses need repairing, health bills must get paid. But how you save for emergencies is a topic worth some debate. Because most people to date would consider the best way to save for emergencies is… Read More
Emergency Funds (as reported by Miranda Marquit on
Emergency funds are exactly what they sound like, money that you have saved in case of an emergency. Such an emergency might present itself in the form of a job loss or an illness, but no matter what happens your emergency fund is what you’ll rely on when there is no more money coming in…. Read More
Retirement Calculation Question Marks (as reported by Mandi Woodruff on
A recent study by Morningstar Investment Research suggests that many Americans may be targeting a number that is too high when planning for retirement. That’s because some of the common assumptions that retirement calculators use don’t necessarily match the reality of retirement. For example, when calculating how much money someone needs to retire, financial planners… Read More